Want Happy Kids? Try Out These Research Based Strategies!

Want Happy Kids? Try Out These Research Based Strategies!
Being a parent isn't an easy job, and there will no doubt be times that you worry that you are doing it "wrong." It doesn't help that there is a plethora of information out there about child-rearing, and much of it is contradictory. The following tips, however, are different; they are based on scientific research, and when followed, they can help you provide your children will everything they need to become happy, healthy adults.

Have a sense of humor

You don't have to take everything in life so seriously. Laugh with your toddler. Joke around. Play games that encourage them to use their imagination. Doing so will help prepare them for the social situations they will encounter later in life, and it makes them more likely to be deemed "acceptable" by others. When you behave in this way, you are teaching your children how to handle stressful situations, how to be social and how to be creative - all important life skills.

Allow your child to go out into the world

When kindergarten rolls around, be strong for your child. Don't allow them to see your anxiety (if you have any) because they will feed into it. The same is true for every life stage your child will hit, including the day they go off to college. If you stick too closely to your child, you won't give them the room they need to embrace the changes in their life. As a result, they may feel more stressed and they may be less likely to find the success that you were hoping for them.

Focus on the positive

When your child is very young, do everything you can to stay positive and happy. Research shows that people who feel angry or frustrated around their babies are more likely to have young children who show a lot of aggressive tendencies. Therefore, if you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed with your infants' needs, lay the baby down in a safe space (like their crib) and step outside to give yourself a chance to regroup. You need to be happy if you want your child to be happy, too.

Take care of yourself

This ties into the previous tip, but if you feel like you could be depressed, speak to your doctor. Depression will affect your life as well as your child's; depressed parents tend not to respond as adequately to signs of distress in their infant as other parents do. They are also more likely to have children that become stressed out easily. Therefore, it is crucial that you get help so that you can be a better parent. There is no reason to feel ashamed; depression is a very common issue faced by many new parents.

Every parent wonders if they are doing the right thing by their children. While there are many tips out there related to parenting, very few of them are research-based like the ones in this article. Take them to heart, and move forward with a renewed focus on your children's best interests.

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