A New Year, A New Strategy: Social Media Marketing in 2013

A New Year, A New Strategy: Social Media Marketing in 2013
You may not realize this, but Facebook began as a site created solely for students. In fact, most social media sites were create for personal purposes, as a way of allowing people to connect with family members and friends. However, social media has morphed into a powerful tool for businesses; in fact, the vast majority of successful companies have established a social media presence on one site or another. If you are interested in using social media to help your business achieve success, the following tips will help you.

Be relevant

Make sure your posts have something to do with your business, even if it is in a roundabout way. In the beginning, owners weren't quite sure what to do on social media sites. Many were posting personal things about their day or their life in general. However, that isn't going to help your bottom line, and it may even turn off some potential customers. Instead, focus on posting things that will be beneficial to your target audience.  A sale you are having, an inspirational quote and an interesting tidbit could all apply here.

Help your followers

Regardless of your market, it is impossible for you to provide everyone with everything that they need. Therefore, if someone has a question and you have a solution for it, don't hesitate to post a link to another business site or blog post. Your customers will respect you for it, and you are likely to get even more business if you are seen as a valuable community resource.

Don't neglect the unknowns

Everyone has heard about Facebook, Twitter and even Google+. Obviously, these sites are important to join, but they aren't the only ones you should look at. Investigate some up and coming sites and see how they can help you. For example, Slideshare is getting great press. It is a way of showing off your presentations to a host of different people; users can also post PDF files and videos. It has a lot of possibility, and it is something you should look into to see whether your business would be a good match for it.

Don't overextend yourself

It's easy to get excited about social media; after all, the possibilities for your business are nearly limitless! However, remember that it is possible to go overboard. If you sign up for eight sites, but you can't attend to any of them very well, you aren't doing much for your business. Sign up only for sites that you know you can handle. Social media sites probably require a much larger commitment then you realize. It may be a good idea to test out one or two and then add on to that later.

Social media marketing is growing by leaps and bounds, and the future looks bright in 2013. Don't miss out on this great opportunity; sign up for some of the most popular social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter, today. Once you do, make it a priority. Don't just leave your sites to languish. Post every day, and make your posts meaningful. You will be glad you did.

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